Ron and Kristina represented me as Realtors in Tempe for the sale of my residence. I was out of town during the negotiations and walkthroughs and they handled everything expertly and efficiently. They handled all last minute minor modifications and repairs masterfully and led me to a successful closing. I received the highest sales price of any home in the neighborhood!
I would highly recommend Ron and Kristina Wilczek as Realtors in Tempe for the purchase or sale of a home.
Rob Cahoon Aug 2019
- Sold for $417,000
- Highest sale ever recorded by Tempe real estate agents in the subdivision of Cyrus East

See all Homes for Sale in Tempe AZ
Social validation is important in this day and age, right? It’s great to hear from people who’ve worked with Realtors in Tempe and can report on their experiences. Don’t take our word for it. Hear it straight from our clients. We have realtor reviews and testimonials we’ve proudly collected since 1999. We also created a profile on Zillow in 2015 and our recent clients have also agreed to post their reviews on that website as well. You can find them here:
Ron Kristina Wilczek Zillow Public Profile
As realtors in Tempe, or any other part of the Valley, we always represent the highest and best interests of our clients. We understand you only get one chance to make a 1st impression. Kristina’s staging skills and our top-notch photography will portray your home in the best possible light.
We have over 30 years combined experience and 400+ sales. Rely on our proven track record to ensure you get your best possible deal. Heck, everyone knows a real estate agent. But not everyone knows realtors with our resume. Give us a chance to WOW you and your family. You won’t be disappointed!
Client review for Realtors in Tempe